Tuesday, January 29, 2008

community service

Subject: Gas Prices

This is Rediculous!!!!!!!! Gas is up WAy to high and i have a v-8 that likes to drink gas. the last time i looked at gas today in elderado it was about 2.85 for unleaded and over 3 dollars for premium gas. In 2001 when the world trade center went down, the war in afganistan was declared, then on september 11th in "wichita" EVERYBODY" had completely panicked and there was car wars at every gas station that i could see and it was a very big wakeup call and a huge nightmare for the united states of america and i can remember right when the second plane hit the second tower. If i had the power to change gas prices i would make the gas prices do down to about .50 a gallon. But if there was something i could do like maybe one day from now.... i would just throw out 50$ quick trip cards to everybody everyday and any and any place. this is america and it is land of the free and proud if i could just do that one thing with gas prices it would make things a whole lot easier and a whole lot cheaper, here are some links to community service! http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/positive/family/volunteer.html, http://archives.umc.org/interior.asp?ptid=1&mid=6531, http://www.aarp.org/about_aarp/community_service/, http://www.teenink.com/Community/, http://www.shcstheheart.org/flash.html

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Coping With change

The Biggest change that occurred last year happened in early June. It was right after kelly and I started dating, and Kelly moved in with me in my parents house. it wasn't difficult at all! it was so nice and basically the best thing that ever happened to me. change can be hard for me but it can be easy at the same time as well. I've had to make changes on things that have been very difficult to do in some cases. but then again I've had to make changes on things that were a piece of cake, it was just a walk in the park. change is always necessary to do in everything a person does there's changes in life that can even be tying a shoe different or shifting gears in a car it can be a complete number of different things. college isn't a walk in the park, there are obligations and duties expected of you that is very important and a lot of it is hard work. High school is nothing compared to college. I ran into a buddy of mine at work the other night and he said "butler is like doing college over again" and i said "ha ha your funny". The only major change that i with the college is just a lot more driving and more walking. As a matter of fact i Have initiated change around others especially at work when we clean theatres or work concession, for example, in concession, degreaser doesn't clean butter worth a crap, but pour a half a cup of carbonated water on that stuff and it gets it the first time, and it has made the cleaning counters and what not so much easier, others at work have really like my idea of cleaning with carbonated water!!!! and when we was cleaning theatres one day i took 10 trash cans and put two in each of the big theatre and that has made people realize that there is easier ways to clean theatres!!!Butler was Stressful at first but but now its not that bad at all! i like this school, I've had family members go here and they have never said a bad word about it at all. The most anxiety is that its more intense and more important, and my future is riding on this right now. here are some links of how to cope with change...http://ezinearticles.com/?Coping-with-Change:-Develop-Your-Personal-Strategy&id=51313, http://womentodaymagazine.com/relationships/coping.html, http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/familydevelopment/components/7269-3.html, http://kthdsn.com/blog/coping-with-change,

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

About Me

My name is Brian Hall, I was Born in Wichita Kansas at Wesley Medical center in 1988. I was raised in wichita and i moved to valley center last year with my girlfriend kelly, im into cars computers and pretty much just having a good time with who ever i meet!!! I work in wichita kansas at the west warren theatre, it's a pretty easy job. I have worked there since october of 06' and i like working there because you can see movies for free, and you can also get travel passes to go see movies at any warren theatre. Sounds like good benifits right???? NOT!!!!!!!!http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=128936798 thats a link to my myspace, and it tells a lot more about me, and heres another of what im interested in, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyIhPAmSOXc&feature=related and another, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeKpAuQUf2c&feature=related and another, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQW_Ynf_b5s and one more, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOey7ugadH8